Kom igen nu, grabbar!
Inte sedan säsongen 76/77 har Brynäs slagit ut oss ur slutspelet. De slog oss i finalen då, precis som året innan. Visst, de har vunnit enskilda matcher efter det. Men inte slagit ut oss. Det ska fan inte ske idag heller.
Great moments are born from great opportunities...and that's what you have here tonight boys...that's what you've earned here tonight. One game...If we played 'em ten times, they might win nine. But not this game. Not tonight. Tonight we skate with 'em. Tonight we stay with 'em and we shut them down...because we can! Tonight WE are the greatest hockey team in the world. You were born to be hockey players...everyone one of you. You were meant to be here tonight. This is your time. Their time is done. It's over.
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